Why Experience is the Best Teacher: A Call to Action for Businesses and Schools

Peter Hostrawser
3 min readSep 20, 2024

Can you learn to ride a bike by reading about it? Sure, you can collect all the knowledge — balance, pedaling, braking techniques, and the science of momentum. But the truth is, you’ll never really learn to ride a bike until you hop on and experience the thrill, the falls, and the mastery for yourself. It’s the same with education.

In today’s world, schools are tasked with preparing students for the workforce, yet the reality is that learning only through textbooks and lectures doesn’t provide the full picture. Experience is the best teacher, and this is where local businesses and organizations come into play.

Experience: The Key to Learning

Think about how you learned in your profession. It’s likely that while school gave you a foundation, it was real-world experience that taught you the true ins and outs. From hands-on projects to on-the-job challenges, those experiences shaped your skill set and gave you the ability to adapt and excel. Now imagine if students had those same opportunities while still in school.

Too often, we fall into the mindset that schools should handle all of a child’s education. But this mentality overlooks the immense value that real-world experience can provide. We need to shift our thinking and recognize…



Peter Hostrawser

High School Internship Coordiator | Disrupt Education Podcast Host | spikeview | Career Coach | Speaker www.peterhostrawser.com